Risk Disclaimer
READ CAREFULLY and NEVER break a single rule.
Usage of Personal Information
⚠️ If you reveal your private keys to anyone, assume all your funds will be stolen.
⚠️ If you reveal your seed phrase to anyone, assume all your funds will be stolen.
⚠️ If you reveal your wallet password to anyone, assume all your funds will be stolen.
⚠️ If you connect your wallet to any third-party website or app, your funds can be stolen.
⚠️ When using a website/app, make sure it is official and the domain is written correctly.
⚠️ Always use contract addresses, not the name of tokens, to avoid fakes and imposters.
Beware of Sources of Information
⚠️ Don't rely on social media. If you do, please be aware of the following risks:
⚠️ Be aware, people do steal identities, fake accounts and deceive.
⚠️ Never reveal any sensitive data to anyone for whatever reason.
⚠️ Never consider other people’s words/messages/posts as financial advice.
⚠️ Always do your own research (DYOR). Take responsibility for your actions.
⚠️ Take all the time you need to do your own research. Don't let anyone rush you.
⚠️ If anyone asks you to use third-party websites or apps or to send tokens, report them.
CryptoCurrency Risks
⚠️ Cryptocurrencies should be considered a new technology.
⚠️ Cryptocurrencies bear immense risk, total loss of tokens or their values.
⚠️ There is no guarantee, the technology or code will work forever - or at all.
⚠️ MetaGold smart contracts run on decentralized blockchains. Those blockchains are to be considered "third party" and their availability cannot be and is not guaranteed at any time.
⚠️ Apart from using the functions of MetaGold smart contracts directly or via the blockchain explorer, MetaGold smart contracts might be used via the dApp at app.rex.io, but its functionality and availability - although well designed and protected - cannot be and is not guaranteed at any time.
⚠️ Don't interact with MetaGold smart contracts if prohibited by any law or regulation.
Last updated