MetaGold Liquidity
Initial Liquidity Offering:
MetaGold will launch using two platforms PinkSale and Custom Built LaunchPad 2,500,000 (11.90%) of the total supply will be available for purchase as a fundraiser for MetaGold’s initial liquidity offering.
The maximum amount of money that can be raised from this PreSale is 1400 BNB. (200 BNB from PinkSale - 1200 BNB from Custom Launch Pad)
The initial liquidity offering (ILO) will also set the launch price at 2500 MetaGold : 1 BNB or $0.12 BUSD.
Initial Liquidity Amounts:
The initial_LIQ provided by early investors in the Pinksale launch will be between 0 BNB and a maximum of 1400 BNB
In the case there are between 0 BNB and 349 BNB, all of the BNB will be converted to BTC and sent to the LP pair at the beginning of MetaGold contract deployment.
In the event there are between 350 BNB and 700 BNB contributed, the amount of BTC sent to the LP pair on day one of contract deployment is equivalent to 100,000 BUSD. The remaining BNB will be added daily in the course of 200 days. This shall lead to a constantly rising liquidity in the METAGOLD-BTC LP pair.
In the event there are between 701 BNB and 1400 BNB contributed, 55% of the amount contributed will sent to the LP pair on day one of contract deployment. The remaining BNB will be added daily in the course of 200 days.
Rules for provisioning INITIAL LIQUIDITY:
Users providing "initial liquidity" should be familiar with impermanent loss.
Minimum amount per address and transaction: 0.01 BNB
Providing liquidity in multiple transactions is possible. It adds up.
There is no maximum buy amount.
Total maximum initial liquidity: 1200 BNB or 360,000 BUSD
Last updated